Fasttrack schedule 4
Fasttrack schedule 4

fasttrack schedule 4 Closing the FTS Process With Settled/Resolved Issues. Closing the Fast Track Settlement Process. Fast Track Settlement Authority. Taxpayer May Withdraw at Any Time. Appeals or LB&I May Terminate the Fast Track Session. Reconsideration of Fast Track Session Report Agreements. Developing the Fast Track Session Report. New Issues/Claims Raised During Fast Track Session. New Information Disclosed as Part of Fast Track Process. Appeals Recommendations During Fast Track Session. Conducting the Fast Track Session. Developing the Fast Track Session Report and Agenda. Planning the Fast Track Session. Introduction to the Fast Track Session. Role of LB&I Participants in Fast Track Sessions. Appeals ACI Coordinator's Role in Coordinated Issues. Appeals Official's Role Upon Assignment. Case Accepted for Fast Track and Assigned in Appeals. Cases Not Accepted for Fast Track. Appeals Process for Assignment of Fast Track Settlement Cases. Appeals Participation in the Fast Track Settlement Process.

#Fasttrack schedule 4 code Status and Aging Reason Code for FTS Cases. Forwarding Application for LB&I Fast Track to Approving Managers. LB&I Participation in the Fast Track Settlement Process. Screening and Approval of Application. Determining Eligibility/Suitability. Consideration of Fast Track Settlement. Cases and Issues Not Appropriate for FTS. Case Eligibility and Exclusions. Policy Statement 1-236, Fairness and Integrity in Enforcement Selection.4.51.4 LB&I/Appeals Fast Track Settlement Program (FTS).

Fasttrack schedule 4